How to Add a Customer Class

How to Add a Customer Class

How to Add a Customer Class

Please view article on what is a customer class for more information.

1.  Navigate to side menu, Customer > Classes
2. Select "New Customer Class".
3. Next give the class a name and description.
4. If desired, you can create an Account customer prefix and an Invoice prefix.
5. Select a suitable debtor posting setting

      a. "Do nothing let me determine posting behaviour of all new customers
            Any customer in this class will show up in the transaction queue to be defined which Customer Class is required

      b. "Post-transaction to this generic debtor account" 
            Any customer in this Class will post to a single contact in Accounts.  For instance, a counter sale customer.

      c. "Post as a debtor" 
            This option will place the contacts directly into your financial system as a natural debtor.

6. If "Post as debtor" is selected, you will choose the "Default Customer Settings".
      a. "Trading Terms"
            How long a customer will have to pay an invoice.  For instance 14 days after the invoice date.
      b. "Credit Limit"
            How much money you are willing to have a customer owe you before they are treated as a "Bad Debtor". (this is only notification and will not stop users from allocating more sales)

7. The Billing Settings will allow you to choose if this class is a batch billing class.
8. Last Sync Settings. This will dictate which platform the customer will appear on. The options are Web, POS, and Service.

(Please view instructional video below for easy reference)

PLEASE NOTE: Once the Customer Class has been saved, it will no longer be editable. Please contact Cirralto Support for any changes.

Batch Billing is a PAID feature, this will incur an additional cost to your monthly subscription, please contact Sales or call 1300 682 108 (press 1 for Sales)

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