What is Batch Invoicing?

What is Batch Invoicing?

What is Batch Invoicing?

Batch Invoicing is the aggregation of a customer's total invoices, for a specified time period, and generated as one invoice, enabling the customer to make the 1 invoice payment.

A common example is a Real Estate company who would like to receive one invoice per month on all properties serviced, that is part of your servicing contract/arrangement.

This type of invoicing arrangement is dependent on the Customers Class specified within Synkd with “Batch Billing” option toggled on.

If the customer is not allocated to a "Batch Customer Class" - The invoice will be sent to the accounting software without client intervention and will need to be sent out from the financial system. 

If you would like more information on Batch Billing, please contact our sales department by email or call 1300 682 108.

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